Staffordshire SENDIASS is able to offer support during the Education, Health and Care needs process to Staffordshire parents and carers. Support is independent from the Local Authority and can be tailored to meet the particular needs of parents and carers.
How can we help you develop an understanding of the education, health and care (EHC) plan process?
There are a number of information talks available from Staffordshire SEND IASS on areas surrounding the EHC process. Information talks may be relevant to parents or carers, support groups and professionals.
Current information talks cover the following areas:
- What is an education, health and care plan?
- Outlining the education, health and care needs assessment process
- Looking at the draft education, health and care plan
- How to request an education, health and care plan
- Using person centred planning tools
- Parent or carer views and the education, health and care plan
- Education, health and care plans with post-16 pupils