IASS Network for Children and Young People
IASS Network Children and Young People - each council has a service like ours. This goes into a little more detail about the background of services like ours; who we are and what we do.
Young persons guide to the Children And Families Act
The young person's guide to the Children and Families Act is a ‘straight talking’ summary to the law surrounding the rules about supporting children, young people and their families.
Disabled and looking for work
Disabled and looking for work will provide handy hints and tips to help you find employment if you have additional needs.
National Careers Service
The National Careers Service is a free, national service providing information about: learning, training, work, compiling a CV (this mean Curriculum Vitae – A document that lists your qualifications and achievements) and much much more.
Council for Disabled Children
An organisation that provide a voice for children and young people with disabilities. The council for disabled children help create and make changes to important policies.
Change Grow Live Advocacy Service.
Change Grow Live offer a range of services including supporting you at meetings and offer information, advice and support to help children and young people.