A summary of the governing body's duties to review the headteacher's exclusion decision.
1. Will the exclusion result in the pupil missing a public exam or NCT?
Yes: The governing body must convene a meeting within 15 days of receiving notice of the exclusion to consider reinstatement. However, the governing body must take reasonable steps to meet before the date of the exam or NCT.
No: Go to number 2.
2. Is the exclusion permanent?
Yes: The governing body must convene a meeting within 15 days of receiving notice of the exclusion to consider reinstatement.
No: Go to number 3.
3. Will the pupil have had more than 15 days of exclusion this term?
Yes: The governing body must convene a meeting within 15 days of receiving notice of the exclusion to consider reinstatement.
No: Go to number 4.
4. Will the pupil have had more than 5 days of exclusion this term?
No: The governing body must consider any representations made by parents but cannot overturn the headteacher's decision.
Yes: Go to number 5.
5. Have the pupil's parents made representations about the exclusion?
No: The governing body is not required to consider the exclusion and cannot overturn the headteacher's decision.
Yes: The governing body must convene a meeting within 50 days of receiving notice of the exclusion to consider reinstatement.